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Friday, October 5, 2012


A lot of people doesn't want Anti-cybercrime law.  I have nothing against people who convey their take through social media. Cliche it may sound that we need to think before we click. As the bully of the social media changed it to Google before you click. People that were bullied in cyber world will have melancholy for themselves. There were times that prejudice overshadows our cogitation on the situation. Although we need to give credit to whom it's due.

What do we get from bullying someone in social medias? We express our feelings and opinions, did it furnish justice to your satisfaction? 

You might want to check out Proverbs 10:19. To bridle our tongue and fingers, give God the reins of your heart.  Exeprt from Our Daily Bread(October 3) volume 18 edition.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

What's in it for me?

I’ve always used this as my cheat sheet in life: I don’t make plans to achieve my goals. You may have plans from a to zed but it only opted you to choose 26 ways to have your goal achieved but as for me I make the most out of the opportunities to have it done so that if I fail, the opportunities that Jesus give me are limitless. We would always have fresh events every morning coz the blessings of God are anew every day.

We may ask ourselves whenever new things that come our way and the first question that came into our mind is what’s in it for me. Be it as it can entertain us, use it as a hand in our everyday life, or to make our lives easier. At times, we see our lives as routinary. We have tasks to do everyday at a certain time, certain location and certain things to get it done. There were times that our routinary reflexes as automatic. It's hard to unlearn it if you need to.

We need to focus on our aspiration no matter what came along regardless if it’s a hindrance or a blessing to our goal just focus on it and you can smell the success of it. We can enjoy life achieving our goals although there are a lot of things that will lead us to not attain that star. Let’s make sure that we’ll have a moment of reflection on the things we did if it will straighten our path to our purpose and in tune with good faith.

We are a work in progress coz nobody is perfect; but if we strive for the victory you can accomplish it to the best of our ability. Everyday is our learning process. We always thought that we trust God but He believed in us first by entrusting our lives to get our call done. He prepares us emotionally and physically to do our take.

 The next time you encounter new things we need to ask ourselves what’s in it for me and it’s for you to find out how to use them creatively.

Happy ever after did exist with God!
