During the ancient times heinous punishment is rampant to avoid crimes. Crucifixion, stone to death, garrote, castration, thrown to a lion's pit, beheaded with a sword or decapitation and execution by a firing squad are some sort of ancient punishment. The word capital means head. So whenever you hear capital punishment it will always something to do with the head. Nowadays, we call it death penalty because government don't use criminal's head to punish them, instead they come up to a lot of ideas like gas chamber, electrocution by a chair , and lethal injection. Here in the Philippines, death penalty is not stationary for the president.
Jose Rizal was executed by a firing squad, alot of people were decapitated, some were thrown to lion's pit, adulterers were castrated, GOMBURZA were garroted, Stephen from the Bible was stoned to death, and Jesus Christ was crucified that leads to his death and after three days He rose up and saves. If you will observe most of the people mentioned above were innocent most especially Lord Jesus. They died because of wrong accusation. Though Mary Magdalene is really a sinner Jesus didn't allow people to stone her to death instead He wrote on the ground people's transgression so that it will serve as a reminder that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and no one can come to the Father except Jesus. One by one they dropped the stone on their hands. And the rest is history.
Why do we put criminals to death to show that what they did was wrong? If it is, killing those people on a death row is not a crime then? On my perspective, it would not make us lesser evil if we do that because sin will always be a sin regardless of how big or small it is. Like lies, there's no such thing as white lies, it is still a lie. God is a god of second chances, if you follow your father, then why don't we follow our Father in heaven who is in your heart.
photo credit: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTI-ESgQOUQMTiMxxbkKJosHDihDmd9DURBhnuu6CxLuzUEHJtv