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Thursday, June 2, 2011


Don't get too excited. Adrenalin rush. Wait it's still loading. There you go! These are some examples of what we usually feel when we heard someone would spill out a secret. If somebody says, I want to tell you something, we're so eager to know what it is. We even beg the holder spill it out fast and when that somebody beat around the bush we try to ask things that would lead to the climax. And when our ears got served we make different opinions, blurt out mixed emotions, and finally we gather points of view be it top view, front view, right side view, and all sorts of view. Oops those are for drawing. Haha.

We always want to know a secret. Though Po in Kung Fu Panda part 1 succeeded through different obstacles to see what is written in the scroll he found nothing. Then he remembered what his father Ping said regarding to his soup; that there's no secret recipe on it. If I may, there was a secret. He made everyone believe that there is, that's why his noodle magnetized customers to zipped every bit it.

Truth truth truth. It shall always prevail. It shall set you free. It also hurts. The only truth I know is Jesus. Not only that, He too is the way and life.

There are lot of facts in life but does not fit to everyone and in every situation.

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